The one where I could use backticked reference in real code
I alway liked that in Haskell you can inflix a function with backticks like this:
take 5 [1..]
-- is the same as
5 `take` [1..]
You can do a similar thing in R. In R, when you surround for example an operator, like []
, or +
, you can use it like a normal function. This is because these operators are also function calls.
Until now I couldn’t really use this in real life code, but the other day I had to scrape wikipedia and it was pretty handy.
# Wiki page for European cities
cities_wiki <- ""
# rvest function to read html
eu_cities <- read_html(cities_wiki)
# take the table on the site and extract the cities
cities <- eu_cities %>%
html_nodes("table") %>%
html_table() %>%
`[[`(2) %>%
## [1] "Istanbul[a]" "Moscow[b]" "London"
## [4] "Saint Petersburg" "Berlin" "Madrid"